
Newent NDP consultation a resounding success

On Saturday 5th October, people in the parish of Newent were invited to have their say on matters that will shape the future of the town and its surrounding area in the Newent Neighbourhood Development Plan’s first big public event. Twelve display stands offered topics to talk about such as housing, the environment, traffic and transport, community facilities, and business.

Approximately two hundred people visited the consultation event. The Memorial Hall was aglow with post-it notes where people were encouraged to leave their comments on maps and documents. A detailed questionnaire was also available which gave the opportunity to express preferences and make comments on the things that matter to Newent. This questionnaire is available in The Library, the Town Council Office and at Gooch Sports until 21st October. It can also be downloaded from this website.

This plan is community led from start to finish. Gathering opinions and ideas at the start is crucial to making the policies which will form the plan. It is eventually finalised by approval at local level with a public referendum.

For more details of what happens in between and how to offer help, please contact us through this website or the Town Council. The Steering Group welcomes people with specific knowledge on the topics involved or with technological expertise.

Newent Neighbourhood Development Plan Questionnaire (October 2019)

After a successful first public consultation in October 2019, we are still on the lookout for more and broader perspectives on what Newent residents and those in the surrounding areas want to see from future developments in and around the town.

To that end, we’d love for as many as possible to answer a short questionnaire. We’ll endeavour to make this easily Submittable online in the future, but for now, if you could download the following PDF file, print it, fill it in, and either email it to us at, or drop it off at the Newent Library, Town Council office or Gooch Sports store on the high-street. You can also pickup hard copies from those locations if you prefer.

Click here to download the Questionnaire Newent 2019 PDF