NDP Timeline – what happens when?

A neighbourhood development plan is a lengthy project spanning a number of years, not only because of the work involved, but so that it can best represent the views and wishes of as wide a group as possible of local people. That process is broken down clearly into a number of key steps, however, which can make understanding it all that bit easier.


The next major event on the timeline is the public consultation in October. There we will draw on the local community of Newent and the surrounding areas to find out what people really want to see happen to the town in the years to come.

From there, further investigation will be undertaken on specific issues and another public consultation held to determine whether the plan reflects the views of the community. A referendum will finally be held in the parish and if approved, the plan will be finally “made” and finalized.


Newent Character Assessment

One of the most important roles for the Newent Neighbourhood Development Project is information gathering. That means finding out just who and what makes Newent what it is. To that end, members of the NDP have spent glorious summer days, evenings, and weekends scouring Newent’s streets and lanes, taking pictures and getting an idea of the various areas of Newent and its surrounding areas.

It’s a beautiful place to live and we’ve gathered a number of fantastic images to best illustrate that. You’ll see many of these in October during the first public consultation, where we’ll be excited to hear from you about what makes you love living in Newent and what you think it could do better.

To learn more about the Public Consultation, head over to the dedicated page. If you’d be willing to give up one evening a month and a few hours of your time as you can spare to help shape the future of Newent, please do get in touch with us using the dedicated contact page.

Here is an example of just one of the areas our tireless volunteers have mapped out and catalogued in recent weeks.